Real-Life Example of Using the Law of Attraction to Manifest what you Want

The Law of Attraction basically states that our thoughts and corresponding feelings create, or call into existence, our life experiences. Now, I understand how such an idea may seem outright ridiculous to some; however, as someone who has observed the manifestation of my own thoughts on many occassions, I personally recognize the “law” to be true. I would like to provide a single example here.

It was the spring of 2003 and I had booked a camping trip in Maine for the summer. My plans, unfortunately, were to go by myself since all my friends were married with kids, I was not in a relationship at the time and my sister, even though she wanted to come, couldn’t come because she couldn’t get time off from work and she didn’t have any money. Around the same time, my sister called me and told me she had been offered a job for a significant amount more money than she was making. She was so excited; and I was so excited for her. Finally, she could be making the money she needed to move out of our parents’ house with her daughter and really start her own life. I truly was happy for her. However, she wasn’t completely sure what she wanted to do because the position was not in the medical field, which she loved. Her plans, just prior to receiving the offer, were to go back to school for radiology.

After some discussions, she decided that she would take the job offer because of the money even though her heart was set on going back to school. Her thought was to take the job so that she could make the money she needed to pay of her debts and then, in time, go back to school. So, she accepted the position and gave notice to her employers; she was working as a medical assistant during the day and as a bartender at night. However, a few days later she received news from her “new employer” that they had offered the job to someone else. Needless to say, my sister was devastated and I was furious. It turns out that they offered the job to someone else in order to “repay” a favor.

After speaking with a lawyer, my sister informed me that there was nothing she could do; the company was supposedly in their legal right to offer the position to someone else. Obviously, that didn’t bring any comfort to my sister, or to myself for that matter; I was still livid. However, I told her not to worry and said that at least now she knows she should go back to school.

After a few days passed, my sister called me to tell me that the owner of the company that had recinded the offer wished to speak with her. He told her that he felt horrible about what had transpired. I told her to go see what he had to say. After the meeting, my sister called me to tell me that he felt horrible, apologized profusely and gave her $2,000 to help her. He also informed her that the company would be sending her another $2,000 check in the mail.

So, let’s take a look at exactly how the Law of Attraction brought both me and my sister what we wanted. First, I was scheduled to go on vacation by myself even though I really wanted someone to join me. Second, my sister was broke, wanted to go on vacation with me but couldn’t for reasons described previously and really wanted to go back to school to become a radiologist. Through the events described above, my sister ended up receiving more money in a week than she would have made in about 2 months working for her previous employers, she now had the time, and the money, to go on vacation with me and she was going back to school in September, which she was really excited about. As for myself, I got to go on vacation with my sister and my niece. For the record, we all had a really nice time.