Tag: TV

Law Of Attraction Tip – Why Trying To Think Positive Frustrates Your Manifestation Efforts

Millions of people were introduced to the law of attraction when “The Secret” came out. These people were taught that they could have what they wanted by thinking positive, being grateful and taking action. Unfortunately, because “The Secret” was not a comprehensive resource, many individuals are feeling even more frustrated and confused about how the law of attraction works.

One common complaint I hear is that people are thinking and being positive but aren’t seeing the results. Probing more into what they are doing, they share with me that they are doing *everything* they can to think positive BUT what I discover is that they’re ignoring how they really feel.

It’s unfortunate that people believe they can have what they want by thinking positive, putting on a happy face, focusing on what they want but completely ignoring their emotions and body signals.

It doesn’t work this way.

Because of the law of attraction, the Universe responds to our whole being. We are made up of energy that vibrates at a specific frequency. Everything we do, feel, think, etc. also vibrates with energy and this energy surrounds us. As we move through our lives, we are walking advertisements and the Universe constantly reflects back the energy we’re vibrating. It’s always a perfect match. It works in the same way tuning forks work. If you strike a tuning fork, another tuning fork of the same note will also vibrate even if it’s across the room.

So, when you are thinking positive but are also feeling worried, fear or doubt, the Universe picks up on all your vibrational signals and feeds back to you an experience of a similar vibration. Usually what happens is that your ‘negative’ emotions cancel out your positive thinking and you experience this as feeling stuck. No energy is moving. Sometimes your ‘negative’ emotions are stronger in frequency (they’re more frequent) than your positive thinking and you attract more thoughts, emotions and experiences that help you feel more fear, worried, and doubtful. This can create spiraling-out-of-control feelings.

the law of attraction does not discriminate. It always reflects back the energy you’re holding. Therefore it is vital that you always ‘clean up’ your vibrations so that you attract exactly what you want.

Here is a simple 4-step process to help you get clearer on what you want and therefore ‘send out’ a clearer signal to the Universe.

STEP 1: Write down your goal – what you want to have (i.e. new TV, a loving partner, a new house, etc.)

STEP 2: In relation to your goal, from Step 1, list all the things you don’t want.

In this step you’re uncovering what you don’t want to have happen, what you don’t want to feel, and the reasons why you can’t have what you want. I call these your ‘Yeah-Buts’. When they come up, you feel negative emotions, which negate your positive energy. By identifying your ‘Yeah-Buts’, you are clearing out those energy patterns that have blocked your attraction process in the past.

STEP 3: Now write down what you do want. I often look at each statement from my “don’t want” list and rewrite it positively.

STEP 4: Take each item on your “Do Want” list and ask yourself why you want it. How would you feel if you had each list item? Would you feel happy? Loved? Appreciated? Valued?

When you connect with how you would feel, you are essentially getting in touch with why you want something. And, as you take this time to write down your feelings, you’re actually becoming a vibrational match to your desires. You’re magnetizing your desires to you because the Universe is constantly feeding back to you what you put out, moment by moment, per the Law of Attraction. The more time you spend in this feeling place, the easier it will be to manifest what you want.

In closing, I highly recommend doing this 4-step process often. I feel that it helps us get in touch with that part of ourselves that we often ignore and discredit, yet often has the biggest impact in our manifestation efforts. We effectively create what we want through the Law of Attraction when we use our whole being instead of just our minds.

Lotteries and the Law of Attraction

Lotteries and the Law of Attraction

Lottery players select their numbers using a wide variety of methods. Some methods are based on logic and mathematical formulas and algorithms. Others are based on new age or occult ‘sciences.’ Some methods can border on wacky but the fact remains that if there were really a sure fire way to pick winning lottery numbers the world would be filled with lottery millionaires. One of the stranger methods touted as a sure fire way to win the lottery is the so called ‘law of attraction.’

The law of attraction has been around for about a century and a half. It first appeared in the US in 1879. The law of attraction says that thoughts can influence events and chance. Throughout the years various hucksters have convinced many otherwise logical people that the law of attraction is real. Insomniacs who are prone to watching late night TV have probably seen infomercial huckster Kevin Trudeau hawking his own take on the law of attraction called ‘your wish is you command.’ Is the law of attraction real? Scientists say no but many new agers believe that you can achieve great wealth by wishing it. The 2006 film called ‘The Secret’ prompted renewed interest in the law of attraction.

A recent blog post claims that lottery players can win those big jackpots by sheer belief and that winning the lottery is not a matter of luck but of will and belief. The author claims that by eliminating doubts and negative thoughts lottery players can improve their chances of winning a large jackpot. Once again, if that were so we would have thousands, if not millions, of big lottery winners. Television host Larry King has discussed the law of attraction on his show and remains critical. King stated, “If the Universe manifests abundance at a mere thought, why is there so much poverty, starvation, and death?” ‘Evidence’ supporting the law of attraction is anecdotal at best and belief in the law of attraction seems to be confined to the gullible and the hucksters that take advantage of them.

Lotteries are games of pure chance and no amount of belief will change the outcome of a drawing. It has been shown time and time again that most winners of mega jackpot lotteries such as Powerball, Mega Millions, EuroMillions and other lotteries have used the ‘quick pick’ option where the random number generator at the lottery terminal selects the numbers. Since lotteries are games of chance everyone has pretty much an equal chance of winning and no amount of belief will change that fact.